
An instance of OperatingReport contains a summary of operating and financial data for a period of time. The report offers both summary and more detailed reporting elements.

Summary elements include:

  • EnergyAC - the total AC energy generated during the period. Use the primitives EnergyAC.StartTime and EnergyAC.EndTime to define the period of time.

  • EnergyACCurtailed - AC energy that could have been generated, but was not, due to limitations of the PV system or external factors such as grid outages.

  • Insolation - the total irradiation recieved.

  • Scope identifies the scope of the operating report (e.g., portfolio, system, device).

Detailed elements include:

  • AvailabilityReport - allows for reporting availability metrics.

    • AvailabilityStandard can indicate a document describing the calculation of the availability metrics.

    • Scope identifies the scope of the availability calculation (e.g., portfolio, system, device).

    • Availabilities is an array of the element Availability. For each entry in the array, you can record several availability metrics and data supporting the calculation of the metrics.

  • Production - allows you to associate arrays of measured data (e.g., AC energy, AC power, irradiance, air temperature).

  • PerformanceRatios - an array of PerformanceRatio. For each entry in the array, you can record a performance ratio calculation, which includes:

    • PerfRatio - the value of the performance ratio, which is measured AC energy divided by modeled AC energy.

    • EnergyAC - the measured AC energy.

    • EnergyACModeled - the modeled AC energy.

    • EnergyModelID - an identifier to associate the PerformanceRatio with details of the energy model (see ExpectedEnergyModel).

  • ExpectedEnergyModel - records of an energy model applied to measured weather during the period of the operating report.