Element changes¶
Adds FailureCause, FailureDateDetected, FailureDetectionMethod, FailureID, FailureMechanism, FailureOperatingCondition, ImpactCapability, ImpactProduction, ImpactSafety (#287)
Adds ChecksumType (#291)
Adds ChecksumKey, ChecksumDetail (#291)
Updates sample value of ProdType (#298)
Creates InsuranceType element
Creates TestLabName (#305)
Adds PrivateKeyAddress (#297)
Adds IssueCause, IssueCauseConfidenceLevel, IssueConfidenceLevel, IssueID, IssueFoundDate, IssueStatus, IssueResolution, IssueResolutionDate, IssueUUID, UpdateLast, DetectionMethod (#296)
Changes PrivateKeyAddress to CryptographicKeyID (#298)
Adds TaskCreatedDate, TaskStartedDate, TaskResult, OMTaskType, OMSkillQualLevel (#303)
Updates CryptographicKeyID usage tips to include supplemental Lumian Information (#308)
Adds ScheduledDate, OperatingHours, TeamRole, SkillsQualsCerts and TeamName. (#310)
Adds PermissionToOperateDate and CommissionDate (#318)
Adds IsMaintainable, TopologyType, TopologyUUID, NodeUUID, PVColladaID, PVColladaFileID, HeadNodeID, TailNodeID (#313)
Adds ContractType as new element (#324)
Adds LoanID (#319)
Adds TimeEntryStartTime, TimeEntryEndTime. Changes TaskResult to an Object (#321)
Object changes¶
Removes Firmwares array, adds Firmware to ProdCertification. Removes Applied Date, Certification Date from Firmware (#280)
Add Failure (#287)
Adds InsuranceType to InsurancePolicy object (#305)
Adds EntityRole to Entity object (#305)
Creates TestLab object and adds it to CertificationAgency (#305)
Adds PrivateKeyAddresses array object and adds PrivateKeyAddresses to Device (#297)
Removes PrivateKeyAddresses array object and replaces it with CryptographicKeyIDs and adds them to Device (#298)
Adds OMIssue and OMIssues (#296)
Adds OMTask, OMTaskResource, ToolItem and ToolItems, ConsumableItem and ConsumableItems, PPEItem and PPEItems, OMWorkPlan, OMJobSiteAnalysis. (#303) OMTaskResource renamed to OMResource in (#310)
Adds ServiceLevelAgreement, AccessInstructions, SafetyInstructions, SiteVisit, TeamMember and TeamMembers and OMTeam (#310)
Adds Warranties to Contract Object (#314)
Adds PermissionToOperateDate and CommissionDate to System (#318)
Adds Node, Nodes, Edge, Edges, Topology (#313)
Add ContractType to Contract object (#324)
Adds LoanID, AlternativeIdentifiers to Loan object (#319)
Adds TaskResult and TaskResults (#321)
Unit changes¶
Adds enumerations FailureDetectionMethodItemType, FailureMechanismItemType, FailureOperatingConditionItemType, ImpactCapabilityItemType, ImpactProductionItemType, ImpactSafetyItemType (#287)
Adds ChecksumTypeItemType and enums related to Checksum methods. (#291)
Adds InsuranceTypeItemType and enums related to Insurance Types. (#305)
Removes enums from EntityRole that were related to specific Insurance types (#305)
Adds TestLab and CertificationAgency to enum list of EntityRole (#305)
Adds OMTaskTypeItemType. Adds Opportunistic to MaintenanceTypeItemType and removes Periodic (#303)
Adds values Security, IT, Safety, Technician and Other to ContactTypeItemType (#310)
Renames WarrantyItemType value Power to Performance, and adds descriptions to enum values (#314)
Adds TopologyTypeItemType (#313)
Adds ContractType, and add new enums and enum descriptions for each (#324)
Adds PermissionToOperate and NoticeToProceed enums to TaskGroupItemType (#319)
Bug fixes¶
Kevin Kirkley (kevinkirkl3y)
Cliff Hansen (cwhanse)
Andres Fajardo (afajardodelgado)